Bridges Community Day High School
Bridges Community Day High School was developed in response to address a student's individual needs. There has been a need in the district to establish a program that could provide interventions for emotionally disturbed students who otherwise would enter a Residential Treatment Center. The Bridges Community Day High School programs are to be considered for students when all other interventions in the district have been considered/implemented.
Bridges Community Day High School is located at
31522 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, CA. 92675
just north of San Juan Elementary School
across from the Mission
and just south of the ROP facilities.
31522 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, CA. 92675
just north of San Juan Elementary School
across from the Mission
and just south of the ROP facilities.
Bridges is a school designed to meet a variety of students' needs. There are two classrooms at Bridges to help meet such needs. These classrooms help special education students who might otherwise require RTC placement due to emotional disturbance. Any consideration of this program should begin by communicating with the Special Education Coordinator assigned to the student's High School. It is a small program designed for a maximum of 5-8 students per classroom. Acceptance of a student depends on safety and compatibility considerations and the appropriateness of the student's emotional condition.
Bridges Community Day School is a registered high school under the state’s Community Day School program. This program requires that students attend the school 360 minutes per day. Many of the students receive Community Mental Health Counseling.
IEP documentation must be completed before a student’s placement in Bridges School. The referring school is responsible for holding the change of placement IEP.
If you have questions, please call Luci Coppola at (949) 234-5302.